Meet Nicole Alyce

Hi! I’m Nicole

I used to work long hours with little to no focus on my nutrition and when I did try to eat healthy, I had no knowledge of what that looked like. I would choose things like sushi, muesli bars, banana bread etc which weren't good for my body composition.

I struggled to lose weight for years.


I got increasingly tired of being frustrated, stressed, having low energy, mood swings and more. I wasn't in control of my body. That's when I decided to study personal training and advanced nutrition..


I quickly became fascinated with all the 'moving parts' of the body and how many things were able to be manipulated and influenced with the correct knowledge and steps.

Since studying, I have worked as a personal trainer and nutrition coach in both New Zealand and Australia for over 10 years. I've worked in numerous different gyms before opening up my own studio in Auckland, New Zealand.

I have successfully competed as a figure IFBB athlete and placed 3rd in the Arnold Classic in Melbourne.

Over the last 10 years in my Personal Training and nutrition career, I have trained and prepped multiple athletes to stage managing both their nutrition and training. I have helped multiple gastric sleeve patients lose hundreds of kilos and helped hundreds of both men and woman shred thousands of kilos in body fat, gain muscle and look and feel better. This is my passion, its my why, it’s my purpose and I love it.

I am dedicated to helping people achieve a leaner and stronger physique, feel happier and become the best versions of themselves without spending hours in the gym, only eating salads or starving themselves on 800 calories a day.

I want to help you transform your life and improve the way you feel, move and see yourself in the mirror everyday.

I want to see you WIN!

I got involved in the fitness industry to transform and overhaul my life in every aspect. It's my goal and passion to help inspire woman to experience the best of themselves in how they feel, how they move, how they train and most importantly how they see themselves showing up in the world. When you apply knowledge with correct nutrition, consistent training and healthy habits its incredible how your life can change.

Becoming a part of my team means you show up ready for change and willing to put the work in. If you do this i will always give back more than what you give to me. I'd love to have you as part of my growing team of incredible people committed to creating the very best versions of themselves.

If you’re ready to start your fitness journey with a supportive trainer who CARES and is passionate about helping you create a sustainable lifestyle change, join my team NOW!

Lets make the rest of your life the best of your life!

Join my team now!

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Have any questions or concerns? Contact me.

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